A Bit About My Journey & The Magic

Hey there, I'm Tammy Machmali,

In the past, while juggling roles as an artist, parent, and partner, I tried to appear perfect on the outside. Despite my love for my family, I felt inadequate and constantly sought approval. Growing up in a multicultural home added pressure, making me equate my worth with others' opinions. This need for perfection took a toll on my mental health, leading to anxiety and depression that impacted my marriage and relationships with my daughters. Even with outward success, I felt empty and disconnected.

In 2016, I decided to confront these issues directly. Through hypnotherapy, NLP, and spiritual healing, I began to change the negative stories I had been telling myself. I learned to forgive myself, embrace imperfection, and set healthy boundaries. This journey led me to find peace and a renewed sense of self-love.

I understand the weight of carrying mental and emotional baggage that holds you back from living your best life. I’ve faced feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and the struggle to embrace the future I desired. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by past experiences and inner challenges that seem insurmountable.

Through my own journey, I discovered the transformative power of reprogramming the subconscious mind and using energy work. I’ve seen how clearing old wounds and negative beliefs can lead to profound personal growth and renewed confidence. This is why I’m passionate about sharing these techniques with you. My approach is designed to help you achieve the same positive change that allowed me to embrace a fulfilling and vibrant life.

By working with me, you’ll find a pathway to feeling empowered, clear, and truly connected to your authentic self. My personal experience with overcoming these challenges fuels my dedication to guiding you through your own journey. I’ve walked this path and am here to support you with the insights and tools that transformed my life.

Let’s begin this journey together and create the fulfilling life you deserve.

I truly think that by healing ourselves and letting go of old generation patterns, we’re doing the world a big favor. When we shine better, we kind of nudge the whole universe in a brighter direction.
— Tammy Machmali


Connecting with Your True Self & Spiritual Alignment

Clearing my own baggage and discovering self-love transformed every aspect of my life. As I set new boundaries and embraced my true self, I experienced a profound shift in my relationships and career.

I left behind a 25-year career as an artist to follow my true calling—supporting you on your journey. Through my personal transformation, I mastered various techniques that freed me from long-standing mental and emotional barriers. This led to the creation of the Baggage Be-Gone method. Now, as a holistic healer, Master Practitioner in hypnosis and energy, MER™, and Empowerment Coach, I guide others toward their own profound changes.

I’ve crafted a life that resonates deeply with my priorities, goals, passions, and purpose. This alignment is what true fulfillment and freedom feel like.

My mission now is to help women discover their higher selves, embracing self-love, setting boundaries, trusting their intuition, and pursuing lives they cherish.

When we begin our work together, I often ask, "What baggage do you want to release?" This question is the starting point of our transformative journey.