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Beautiful Girl: Affirmations for Little Queens

Beautiful Girl: Affirmations for Little Queens" by Tammy Machmali is a heartfelt guide designed to uplift and empower girls navigating today's challenges. Through affirmations, kind words, and encouragement, this book offers solace and inspiration to young girls facing uncertainties and doubts. Crafted with a deep understanding of emotional struggles, it promotes self-love, resilience, and inner strength. With colorful illustrations and empowering messages, "Beautiful Girl" serves as a guiding light for girls seeking confidence and empowerment in a fast-paced world.

This book is for the girl who feels a lot. I want her to hear and know that she is perfectly fine – that she is loved and enough. To know that she is a child of a loving universe where there is enough room, time, and resources for her to be who she dreams and wants to be. She is seen, heard, and loved!

Beautiful Girl recommend to each girl to read!

Reading ‘Beautiful Girl’ took me back to my own childhood. The words just reached out and touched my heart. I truly believe every woman needs a copy of this book in her home. It’s not just for little girls; it’s for all of us who need a reminder of our own worth and beauty. The message is so simple yet so powerful: accept who you are, because that’s what makes you truly beautiful. And let me tell you, the illustrations in this book are stunning. They really bring the story to life and make you feel like you’re right there with the main character, discovering her own inner strength. So, if you’re looking for a little motivation and empowerment—than ‘Beautiful Girl’. It’s a book that speaks to the heart and reminds us all that we are beautiful just the way we are.
— Sigalie Oren

A beautiful book you can read over and over

The drawings are wonderful. I loved the stuffed animal and kitty so much. The words are affirming and should be read over and over.
— Buttercup

A girl’s must have!

This book is magical with beautiful illustrations. I bought it for my niece and when I read it with her, it resonated with me too. I had chills reading it. What an amazing read. Perfect to share with all the girls in your life. Teaching positivity, inspiration and self-love. I would recommend it to all.
— HK