Step-by-step Guided Meditation for Connecting with Your Intuition

Written by Tammy Machmali

First and foremost, our mission in life is to discover our own happiness. Often, prosperity comes to those who appear lucky, but in reality, the universe favors those who emanate genuine happiness.

When we are truly happy, our hearts become open channels, allowing our authentic selves to guide us. It's like dancing in harmony with the universe, always finding ourselves in the right place at the right time. To achieve this state, we must have faith in ourselves, embrace life as it unfolds, and recognize that every challenge leads us closer to freedom.

Intuition is not merely a mystical phenomenon; it is the profound knowing of your soul, guiding you towards what truly matters and what will serve you best. As psychic and medium Sheryl Wagner, author of Uncovering Intuition, emphasizes, tapping into your intuition can lead you to a life of greater freedom and fulfillment.

By listening to our intuition, we gain access to a wealth of inner wisdom and insights that can't be reached through logical analysis alone. It empowers us to make choices that are more authentic and aligned with our genuine desires and values. Trusting our intuition enables personal growth, allowing us to break free from self-imposed limitations and societal expectations. It leads us to embrace a path that resonates with our true selves, ultimately leading to a life filled with purpose and contentment.

How to Learn to Trust Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition can be challenging, especially if you're used to relying solely on logic. To build trust, start by acknowledging and celebrating times when your intuition led you in the right direction. Cultivate a mindset of openness and non-judgment, allowing yourself to explore intuitive insights without fear of being wrong. Remember that intuition is not about being perfect; it's about learning and growing through the guidance it provides.

To embark on this journey, there are a few important steps we can take:

  1. Release the need to constantly prove ourselves right or have the last word in every situation. Letting go of this need for validation brings about a sense of lightness and happiness.

  2. Embrace the feeling of joy that comes from shedding self-doubt and worries. Allow yourself to be free from the burden of unnecessary thoughts.

  3. The most significant step is to open our hearts completely. This means allowing our higher power to bring miracles and good fortune into our lives.

Our ancestors knew the importance of divine guidance. When they let go of what they thought they knew, miracles happened. Remember, everything that happens is influenced by our thoughts and memories, making us responsible for our own lifes. 

So how do we step into our happiness? To find serenity and happiness, we will need to open our heart and trust our intuition. Let go of worrisome thoughts and overthinking, and embrace the innocence and purity of our intuition guidance. Tapping into the unknown– those parts of us that are humble and modest, allowing us to make choices without needing to know everything.

The key is our hearts- Your heart never lies.

Listen to it, and you'll make better decisions, connected to your natural wisdom. Trust that you are divinely guided and never alone. The more you align with your authentic self, the smoother your life will flow.

Find balance and connect to your inner energy by being authentic and honest. Let go of the need to pretend or hide emotions. Embrace vulnerability and heal yourself by uncovering unknown parts of your subconscious mind.

Recognize the power greater than yourself and connect to it. Through your intuition, gain priceless guidance to navigate life's complexities. Trust your intuition over logical thinking, and embrace the mysterious aspects of your inner wisdom.

Before we begin this meditation please sit comfortably in a quiet place. Relax your body and mind, allowing your unconscious mind to come forward. Start by Visualizing a smart/ wise infinite bright light within you, this magnificent light is  your intuition. Communicate with it quietly, asking questions and seeking answers.

Step-by-step Guided Meditation for Connecting with Your Intuition by Tammy Machmali

Listening to your intuition is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By developing a stronger connection with your intuition, you'll uncover a profound source of wisdom that will lead you towards a freer and more fulfilling life. Embrace the power within you and trust in the innate knowing that lies at the core of your being. Your intuition is your compass in the vast sea of life, guiding you to your highest and best self. 

You can find more info about intuition, you like to read about Why Trusting Your Intuition is Vital for Personal Growth and Success

Remember, you have the ability to unleash the full potential of your intuition and lead a life filled with purpose and clarity.

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